Monday, September 27, 2010

Must Have Add-Ons For Firefox

As this is the browsers I use as a lot of folk do (because Internet Explorer is more infectious than a Vietnamese prostitute, and apologies if any Microsoft people or Vietnamese prostitutes were offended by that remark) I wanted to list off some of the add-ons I use that are either helpful to a degree for the average Interweb user.

Web Of Trust - Protects the user by letting them know if the site they're visiting is kosher or has a bad rap for screwing you or your computer as rated by other users. Quite helpful, not so much looking at porn galleries but better safe than sorry.

No Script - Like WOT prevents unwanted scripts from being used, mostly saves time on loading unnecessary bullshit like ads on the side. Somewhat if there's someone on MySpace who has a bunch of third party crap all over it. On a side note, isn't Facebook now the fancy new space station-like mall and MySpace is the really downtrodden ghetto mall where there are cats standing out in front desperate for "friends?"

StumbleUpon - This one is iffy for others to say its needed however it's a great time killer. Simply the add-on is this: you press the "Stumble!" button and it takes you anywhere on the web tailored to your liking. And more often than not after hitting the button you think, "That was cool." It also has a StumbleThrough feature so you can find random pages through YouTube, Wikipedia, The Onion, Ghetto Ma -- I mean, MySpace; Blogspot (Thanks fellow stumblers!) and many other sites.

Cool Previews - Good if you don't wanna commit to fully opening a link either because your lazy or suspicious about it. Hover a link, click the button that appears next to it and it will preview that link in a small window inside your current tab without ever leaving the page you're on. It's neat.

Torrent Finder - Quick search bar that goes through every torrent site imaginable looking for the torrent you want to find. Although it is recommended that you should probably get something like WOT or No Script to be safe prior to getting this as there are a plentiful of torrent sites that are a wading pool of bad.

Additionally, it's not quite so much an add on as it is a feature already on the normal Firefox however can be extended. The Google search bar in the corner can also search through various sites like YouTube and Wiki and beyond the ones already listed in the drop down you can add more sites to search through such as IMDb and

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

W31RD W3DN35DAY5 - Nerd Edition

Today we come baring gifts of quite a few things to keep you busy with. While you do that I'll be getting a blood transfusion as a little of my own trickled down my ear typing the title. Have fun, y'all.


Spray On Shirts - A company in the UK is developing a product where you can spray a silly string like substance onto your shirt, let it dry and it magically can become a shirt. Outside of morons at the beach and festivals, who does this really apply to?

Hackers Crash MPAA Webstie For 18 Hours - This I'm posting because it's just plain awesome. I never thought I'd thank 4Chan ever, but thanks guys!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Stupid Corporations, Audiences Hate You

Evening kids, it's your good old pal Sketch E. Whiteface reporting from his new home to pollute the beloved Internets with a mass of text to be read by one person who will spend six hours after crying for reading so much about something that could be very mundane. Please take this moment the stretch your eyes after that eyesore and the coming one. For those who don't know how to stretch your eyes, sorry, but you're on your own.

Hit the jump for the full article.

And we press onward to the meat of the matter, the heart of it if you will. For a while now I've been hearing complaints from everyone I know saying how there's nothing original being put out in TV, music and more specifically movies and how the content that IS being put out is very stupid. I've also heard from people, and neither this nor the previous is anything new, that people are stupid and therefore the content is geared toward them. Although I disagree with the first half of that statement, the second part is spot on. What's being put out sucks not because audiences are stupid but because the powers that be green lighting this thinks we're stupid.
On October 1, 1993 comedian Bill Hicks was scheduled to appear on "The Late Show with Dave Letterman" to fill in last minute for a guest who had canceled, ironically he had been bumped from the show the week prior. (This would be his final television performance as he would die from pancreatic cancer five months later.) He did an eight minute long set before a live studio audience recorded for the show. Cut to a few hours later, Hicks' set was not included in the broadcast having been removed by Letterman and the producers who denied being responsible. Although the show or CBS never commented on why it was removed Hicks stated, amongst other reasons, that they felt the viewers at home were too stupid to realize that "they're just jokes" even though the studio audience laughed at his material. The following is a phone call Hicks received to let him know his set had been removed by CBS' "Standards and Practices," a mere hour after the taping had finished, taken from Hicks' 23 page hand written letter to John Lahr.
"Well why do you think the crowd at home is different than the one in your studio? They're all watching your show," said Hicks.
"Bill, you have to understand our audiences," said producer Robert Morton.
"What do you grow them on farms? Your audience is comprised of 'people', right? Well, I understand 'people,' being a person myself. People are who I play to every night, Bob, and we get along fine."
"We taped the show the show at 5:30 in the afternoon, and your audience had no problem with the material then. What... does the audience become overly sensitive between the hours of 11:30 PM and 12:30 AM? And by the way, Bob, when I'm not performing on your show, I'm a member of the audience for your show. Are you saying my material is not suitable for me? That doesn't make sense, why do you underestimate the intelligence of your audience?"

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Weird Wednesdays (NSFW)

In an effort to keep regular updates in some fashion I'm going to start doing Weird Wednesdays where I will post something often funny, sometimes cool, but always freaky. Pictures, video, a link to an article, whatever will do the trick. For suggestions of what to add (nothing too extreme preferably) shoot an e-mail over to

For our first entry we bring you a clip from Kevin Pollak's Chat Show featuring Sir Dana Carvey playing the Larry King Game. Those who haven't seen KPCS, it's a game played regularly and here are the rules and clip. Video after the jump. Enjoy.


A Salvation Rant In E-Minor In Arizona Bay's Flying Saucer - Review on Bill Hicks' "The Essential Collection"

WARNING: The following review contains material that may infect your mind, curve your spine and make you evolve while having a healthy gut laugh. One can only hope anyhow. These warnings are starting to get repetitive.

Howdy one and all, I come to you with word and feedback on the latest Bill Hicks released dubbed "The Essential Collection", which starting off by mentioning that it's a 2CD/2DVD set plus an additional download of "Lo-Fi Troubadour" (a collection of unreleased music written by Hicks) the term "essential" seems pretty freakin' accurate. For those who are die hard comedy fans or fans of Hicks, getting this album is a must if not for the DVDs in the package.

For more details and to get a copy go to Amazon and fucking buy it already!

For the double CD portion of the collection, it more or less is a "best of" from previous Bill Hicks albums like "Dangerous," Relentless," "Arizona Bay," and "Rant In E-Minor." To liven things up several tracks are featured from an unreleased recording of one of his shows in San Ramon, CA. Such new tracks contain back-and-forths with audience members, his bit on hotel housekeepers (dubbed "Please Do Not Disturb,") and his proclamation that drugs have in fact done good. Now having heard all but the San Ramon show already owning all Hicks' album it was still nice to hear of a new release, however I will admit two things kinda disappointed me.
First, and this is probably relevant to any fan of any artist with albums, I would have probably had a different selection and order of tracks. Granted, I know what MY favorite versions of his jokes are on each album but whether that was arguably the best against the examples in his catalog is a tough call. I would've personally like to hear more tracks off his "Salvation" album (only two tracks made it onto the disc) which was recorded at Oxford in 1992, such as his bit on the Hooligans. Also I would've loved to hear some of his material from his HBO/BBC specials "Relentless" and "Revelations", however with the exception of "Relentless" (albeit a different performance entirely) these do not exist in audio only/album form. However I would assume beyond that reason legal entanglements possibly would've played into it not making the cut, so for those who wish to see him belt, "PLAY FROM YOUR FUCKING HEART!!!" and deliver his genius and infamous "It's Just A Ride" speech it only exists on those specials in video form.
On to the DVD sides, they pretty much feature video footage of Hicks early on along with the "Austin Bootleg Series" shot by his brother Steve at The Laff Stop between November 1991 and October 1993 (roughly five months before he would eventually die from pancreatic cancer.) Watching the early footage of Hicks, when he was just starting out as a teenager, it's quite surreal to watch knowing that for 16 years of him doing stand up he never lost that spark or the ambition to making people laugh. And also watching the footage as he progresses going from a kid (who at this point never smoked, drank or did drugs), to when he was more or less a drunk mess on stage, then to his comedic guru status towards the end was very intriguing to witness if not first hand. For those uncertain about investing the $30 for this, the DVDs alone are worth it since you have several different shows that accumulate well over three hours collectively (each set, ranging from between 15 minutes to 40 minutes from one show.) The longest set viewed is his show on Oct. 1993 at The Laff Stop because it was towards the end of his life, where he had already been diagnosed and was being treated (and had already had his recorded set from Letterman banned,) and as pointed out by Steven Hicks in the liner notes of the album (which also features words by Clive Anderson, nephew Ryan Hicks, niece Rachel, and Henry Rollins) Bill showed no signs of pain and apparently when up on stage felt none what-so-ever. To me, anyone that committed to what he loves is well worth the respect.
Also featured on the second DVD disc is the infamous film, the only one Hicks ever starred in, called "Ninja Bachelor Party." I know the title may fool you but I assure you this movie isn't serious. It follows a Robitussin addict Clarence Mumford (played by Hicks' frequent collaborator and friend Kevin Booth) who tries to over come his addiction and get his girlfriend back by becoming a ninja warrior, learning under the tutelage of Master (played by Hicks' who does the majority of the dubbed voices, as it is done in the style of a samurai/Jackie Chan movie.) The movie is reminiscent of the kinda short films you used to make with your friend's in your backyard with your dad's camera that you did for fun, and apparently after eight years of making shit up and filming this is the product. On the DVD Kevin Booth makes note that every one of their family members and friends thought it was absolutely insane yet the two of them thought it was funny as it was very slap-sticky. Really it's a fun flick to watch (only 30 minutes long) and shows a completely different side to Hicks.
Finally we come to the final piece to this bundle which is the download only copy of "Lo-Fi Troubadour" included. Although there is no disc it does come with a neat card that features on the top side the drawing of Hicks smoking that can be viewed on every one of his albums' disc labels. These are demos recorded by Hicks himself and feature him on guitar and vocals on "lo-fi" recording equipment such as a tape recorder and a four-track. Several months ago a sneak peak of this part of the album worked it's way onto the iTunes downloads as a single dubbed "The Moon Is Smiling", which if you listen to it in comparison to the final print quite a bit of cleaning up was done with the audio. A lot of it is very melodic but also very strong lyrically with such Willie Nelson/Bob Dylan-esque with such songs like "The Road Can Be Hard" and "I Never Really Cried For You." This is much of a departure from his band Marble Head Johnson which did cover a barometer of genres (examples of their work can be found on "Arizona Bay" and "Rant In E-Minor.") Had Hicks been alive and thought to release a full on music album, either under his own or Marble Head respectively I think it would've been very well received.
In short, it's awesome, worth the money, go and buy it or I'll kick your ass. See you next time, kids.


Additonal Links
Bill Hicks on Amazon
Bill Hicks on YouTube
Bill Hicks' banned Letterman set

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Poem: This Is A Dedication

To all our fallen friends who got lost along the way.
To the ones who couldn't see past the wall, saw only the wall, not have the thought to climb over the wall.
To the ones we tried to help as they slowly hurt themselves by something they thought was real.
To the gold digger, the pan handler, the graduate, the drop out, the content and disgruntled.
To the ones who wanted change as things stayed the same.
To the ones who chose to sleep instead of dream and never truly awaken.
To the ones who always spend time looking back instead of forward.
To the ones who wanted to help so bad they didn't see their own problems.
This is dedicated to the ones who became inspired and who brushed this off.
This is dedicated to us all.

If you know someone who can relate to this or needs something to aid their evolution send it to them.


WARNING: The following pieces to be posted on here contain opinions and matters that might be described as profound, thought provoking, insane, satanic, heresy, humorous all in an effort to be entertaining and informative to help speed of the process of evolution. Enjoy.
