Saturday, November 6, 2010

Slacker Saturday

Apologies to the four of you who follow this and/or Stumble on this blog and are upset (What a stretch) because of my lack of updates. ADD and a lack of finances definitely shift your priorities. Here is a collection of stuff for both Tweaker Tuesday and Weird Wednesdays. Hit the jump for another teaser poster and an episode of Kevin Pollak's Chat Show featuring Jason Alexander where he talks about "Seinfeld" and fucking up a guy who put a gun to his head.

Cleverbot - Feel like aruging with a bot that actually has a degree of intelligence as opposed to the ones trying to get you to join cam sites? Look no further. I'm gonna hunt this mo'fo down.

Melon Shot Off Freddie Wong's Head W/ a .50 Cal - Pure fucking insanity. A bullet a half an inch thick flying over a hundred feet and didn't blow off a limb? WHAT?!

If only. Attention Bethesda, please hire me.
Actually being made.

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