Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Veird Vednesdays

Evening kids, new edition of Weird Wednesdays coming your way. After the jump is a video of an intro for "The Simpsons" as directed by British graffiti artist and director Banksy, which has to be the darkest and saddest intro ever to be shown ever.

Movie-a-Minute - VERY brief summaries of the movies often in a comedic fashion but are pretty dead on. Especially with "Speed", "The Sixth Sense" and "The Matrix."

Reinventing The Most Popular Ballpoint Pen - Ever wonder what a bunch a guys, five dollars and a lot of boredom bring? This crap.

Homemade Spacecraft - Although already seen by probably millions, still awesome, weird and note worthy. A guy made an apparatus to put a camera in, attach a weather balloon and launch it up into the blackness of space in HD.

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